Contractor Program FAQ

Contractor Program FAQ

Welcome to the FAQ section of the Modine Contractor Program, your go-to resource for answers to commonly asked questions about our program. Whether you’re a seasoned contractor or considering joining our network, this comprehensive FAQ aims to provide clarity on various aspects of the Contractor Program. Delve into insights about eligibility criteria, benefits, application processes, and more as we guide you through the intricacies of becoming a valued member of our trusted network.

How much does it cost to join the Contractor Program?
Applying for the program is free; however, contractors are required to have insurance and maintain their legal licenses for product installation and servicing in their region.
How long will it take to start receiving leads?
Once your application receives approval, you can log into your portal and choose to opt-in for Lead Generation. After opting in, you will begin receiving leads on the same day.
Are contractors automatically enrolled in the rewards program?
No, contractors must enroll to participate in the rewards program.
What products will I be receiving leads on for sales/installation/service?
Any product that is residentially certified from Modine. Residentially certified products include: • Hot Dawg® Power-Vented Gas-Fired Unit Heater (HD/HDB) • Hot Dawg® Separated Combustion Gas-Fired Unit Heater (HDS/HDC) • Hot Dawg® H2O Unit Heater (HHD) • Amp Dawg™ Electric Unit Heater (AMP)
What if I have questions about the program or problems after I have been approved?
Call 1-800-828-4328, or email [email protected], and we will happily assist you.

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