For Home
Transform your home heating with a unit heater that keeps costs low and all your living spaces consistently comfortable any month of the year.
Energy-Efficient Heating Systems for Homeowners
Reduced Energy Costs
Modine’s unit heaters are designed for efficiency. Our Lodronic Low-Temperature Hydronic Heater uses 50% less electricity than standard hydronic heaters.
Simplified Maintenance
Modine Authorized Contractors deliver quick, safe installation and expert service. It’s how you extend the lifespan of your unit heater.
Reliable Performance
Built with durable materials, Modine’s unit heaters are made to last. Our low-profile heating systems come backed by a 10-year warranty.
Consistent Temperature
Eliminate cold spots and drafts with our home heating solutions. Our Hot Dawg® series can even convert unlivable spaces into activity hotspots.
A Homeowner’s Guide to Heating Systems
For Commercial Buildings
Backed by our 100-year legacy in the HVAC industry and world-class testing facilities, Modine’s top-notch heating solutions plug in to your building management system for seamless operations.