Modine News

Commercial Industrial

Modine Products Designed to Withstand Extreme Temperatures

It’s no secret that Northern regions are cold places. From New York to Chicago, Minneapolis to Billings, Montana, and many other areas of the U.S., not to mention nearly all of Canada. Temperatures can easily dip to -20°F or even lower! As global leaders in commercial heating and cooling, Modine has been working tirelessly, designing products for every climate for more than 100 years. These products can deliver reliable, comfortable, cost effective heat, even in the worst winters.

From the Lab to the Field

It gets cold in Racine, Wisconsin, where we’re headquartered, but not cold enough to match the extreme conditions that some our heating systems will be deployed in. That’s why we’ve built a state-of-the-art testing complex to put our products through their paces. 

With split-room climate chambers, sound-testing rooms, ventilation test chambers and a fully climate-controlled wind tunnel capable of representing any location and condition on the planet including full spectrum solar load simulation, Modine can test any product we provide to make sure it performs as expected under extreme conditions in the field. 

Leaders in Efficiency

Pre-conditioning extremely frigid air before it enters a building can be a significant but necessary financial drain. During a harsh winter, heating systems can struggle to heat incoming air to a reasonable temperature. If the outside temperature is well below zero, continually heating air back up to 70 degrees is costly, whether it is controlled ventilation air or uncontrolled infiltration air. 

Modine has introduced several improvements to solve this problem in their heating devices. Among them, the energy recovery wheel offers the most advantages in bitter cold conditions. Offered on several Modine HVAC products, this wheel captures heat from exhaust air and transfers it to incoming cool air, reducing the energy load of the heating system and saving owners money. In some cases, this can represent a nearly one-third reduction in costs. 

Products like the Airedale Sentinel, unit heaters like the Effinity® series, and the condensing and hybrid heat options on the Atherion Commercial Packaged Ventilation Unit are some of the most efficient products in their class. 

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