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Commercial Industrial Residential

Too Much Summer Downtime? 2022 Summer Maintenance Checklist

Here are some basic guidelines for summer HVAC care from Modine.

Summer is often a time for vacations, relaxing and enjoying the warmth. When your unit heaters are idle, it’s a great time to perform pre-heating season maintenance.

Our basic checklist for ensuring your HVAC systems are properly maintained while offline for summer remains tried and true. This is just a partial list and this maintenance should only be performed by trained HVAC professionals.

  • Filters: Check filters for restrictions or plugs. Replace with proper filters. This should be done in spring and fall at a minimum, and be checked quarterly.
  • Belts: Check belts to ensure they are not out of adjustment, stretched, or cracked. Replace with new belts as needed.
  • Electrical connections: Verify that all electrical connections are tight. Look for loose connections at terminations. Always use the proper torque specifications.
  • Electrical components: Examine electrical components to make sure they are free of wear and tear. Warning signs include discoloration at wire terminations and pitted or frayed contacts.
  • Coils: Clean coils. Look for buildup of dirt or debris and any frosting or freezing on coils.
  • Drain pans: Check to ensure that drain pans are clean and drains flow freely. Problems may exist if you notice poor drainage, water staining beneath equipment or debris in drain pain.

These simple steps can keep your Modine HVAC units and associated equipment operating at peak efficiency and safety when cold weather rolls around again.

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