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Commercial Schools

Modine Products can Clean your Indoor Air

Indoor pollution affects productivity, health and performance.

Poor indoor air quality at machine shops, warehouses or other commercial facilities can take a toll on employees, affecting your company’s bottom line and the health of those on your payroll. Poor air quality can also be a silent stalker in schools, hindering learning ability and distracting students from their studies.

Modine offers multiple ways to clear the air in businesses and schools. Contractors, owners and customers alike should be aware of the options available to scrub the air of pollutants, be it in a new building or retrofit.


The Atherion Packaged Ventilation System can bring fresh, conditioned air into your industrial or commercial space regardless of climate. Contractors can also consider a range of Modine make-up air systems.

The near-silent and compact Horizontal Unit Ventilators are perfect for the classroom. School ventilator options include the Airedale Vertical Heating and Cooling Units and Under the Window units.

Now that we’ve offered some solutions, let’s take a quick look at the problems, and why we offer these units in the first place. Poor indoor air quality is nothing to be trifled with, especially in an industrial environment full of aerosolized toxins, and here are five reasons why:

  • While there a number of acute respiratory problems that can manifest themselves immediately upon exposure to poor air indoor quality, some reactions are chronic and can take years to show symptoms. Poor air quality can also worsen existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma.
  • Poor indoor air quality can be a problem in both new and older buildings. Deteriorating asbestos is one obvious risk in older buildings that should be considered for retrofitted air-quality solutions. Newer buildings can pose airborne health risks from gases and particles that may emanate from new carpet or flooring or even furniture. Gas-fired machinery or appliances can also worsen indoor air quality.
  • Outdoor air pollution, such as fine carbon particles or other pollutants, can easily intrude into workspaces or schools.
  • Traditional ventilation systems such as exhaust fans only remove contaminated air, they do not replace displaced air. Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems like the Atherion can replace displaced air with conditioned, clean air.
  • Poor indoor air quality can reduce worker and student productivity by nearly 10 percent, according to the National Center for Biotechnology.

Now that you know the problems, let’s talk more about solutions from Modine HVAC systems that can help contractors and builders provide the cleanest air for customers, employees and students.

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