Modine News


Our HVAC Systems Are Treated Harshly, for Good Reason

Rigorous testing precedes Modine HVAC launches

Modine HVAC products are born in the laboratory. Our products are subjected to rigorous testing in our Racine Technical Center before they enter the market.

The Racine Technical Center consists of labs that perform structural tests, component performance tests and full system performance tests. The HVAC and refrigeration systems test lab can emulate some of the harshest conditions on the planet. This ensures our HVAC systems perform well in environments and climates ranging from the arid Southwest to the humid Southeast to the frigid upper Midwest.

The lab has two climate chambers and boasts 11 different testing locations for all kinds of HVAC systems, especially rooftop systems, which run on varying power sources, including electrical, propane and natural gas.

  • Climatic Chamber No. 1: This can be used to test our largest units, such as the Atherion rooftop HVAC system, and can test equipment at temperatures ranging from -40 to 140 Fahrenheit. Relative humidities and airflow can also be manipulated and measured.
  • Climatic Chamber No. 2: This chamber has similar capabilities to chamber No. 1, but is typically used to test our smaller units. Direct exchange geothermal and ground and water source heat pumps are tested in this chamber.

A range of testing occurs in labs independent of the climate chambers, including thermal cycles, the effects of wind, burner operating characteristics, combustible clearance needs, leak decay, motor temperature increases and combustion condensate.

All of the information collected in the labs and chambers is rolled into the entire research and development processes of HVAC units such as our top-of-the-line Atherion Packaged Ventilation system. You can rest assured your Atherion can operate on a rooftop in virtually any climate – it’s tried, true, and tested thanks to our state-of-the-art Racine Technical Center.

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