Modine News

Commercial Industrial

Summer is a Good Time for HVAC Care

From commercial HVAC applications to our unit heater technology, Modine is dedicated to building the most efficient thermal management products in the industry. 

With summer almost here, it’s time for facility managers to check the health of their cooling systems. We want to help contractors and end-users keep those systems running at top performance, so we’ve developed some helpful maintenance checklists to assist. 

As always, the maintenance should only be performed by trained HVAC professionals, but here are some basic steps to ensure the health of your system:

  1. Check the belts. Neglecting the belts can reduce or prohibit airflow, cause mechanical failure or lead to the evaporator coils frosting. Inspect the belts for fraying and wear. Makes sure they are properly aligned. 
  2. Inspect the drain pans. Not checking drain pans for blockage risks water backing up into the unit and causing unit shutdowns or water damage in your facility.
  3. Change the filters. If filters aren’t changed regularly, the HVAC system will have to work lot harder to pull air through the dirty filters. This means more energy usage and increased wear on the HVAC components.
  4. Clean the indoor and outdoor coils. Dirty coils can cause compressors, electrical parts or motors to fail.

Heating Maintenance

It might not be top of mind during warmer weather, but it’s also a good time to check out your facility’s heating systems, such as unit heaters, during their downtime. Here’s a basic checklist for technicians to keep unit heaters operating safely:

  1. Check it out. Visually inspect wiring, gas pipes, fans, and venting systems for damage that might have occurred.
  2. Inspect gas connections. Make sure all gas connections for proper fit. Check and adjust manifold gas pressure.
  3. Check the power. Inspect the power connections to the motor for tightness and make sure the motor shaft turns in the correct direction.
  4. Check condensate lines. Make sure condensate lines on high-efficiency units to make sure they are not clogged or have been damaged.
  5. Inspect thermostats. Check thermostats for cleanliness, connectivity and correct temperature settings. If necessary, clean them.
  6. Inspect burner tubes. Check them for clogs and foreign materials … and spiders or mice. 
  7. Keep vents clear. Make sure venting systems aren’t obstructed. Check the cap and cleanout.
  8. Watch for condensate leakage. Signs of leaks include water stains on the exterior of the vent pipe or rusting. 
  9. Check the heat exchanger. Make sure there aren’t any blockages or failures. 

These are simple maintenance tips to keep your Modine HVAC units and associated equipment in top shape in any weather. Remember to set a regular maintenance scheduled and stick with it. It will pay off over the lifespan of the systems.

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