Modine News


Modine’s Internship Programs Keep the Talent Pipeline Pumping

We offer real-world experience for high school and college students

Modine’s robust internship, co-op and apprenticeship programs are definitely a two-way street. It’s also a pipeline.

The program offers real-world, paid experience for college and high school students as well as ensuring a steady flow of talent to the company. About 80 percent of Modine interns ultimately take permanent positions within the company. The experience can also put some needed money in student pockets: Interns earn hourly wages of about $10-$18.

While internships, co-op and apprentice opportunities are available across the company, the Racine, Wisconsin headquarters offers about 25 internships during the school year and about 40 in the summer, including continuous working IT interns. They work across all departments, so the positions aren’t limited to aspiring engineers. They are placed in HVAC, product development, sales, finance, IT and procurement positions.

Marquette University and the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee provide the most interns, but Modine human resource professionals scour the state via job fairs and other outreach opportunities. The message: There’s much more to the manufacturing industry than the misconception of dark and dirty production lines.

Despite a tight labor market, the company’s talent pipeline keeps pumping, and the internship program can also be fairly competitive. A significant number of retirements are pending in some sectors, however, and it’s important to keep the labor pool full. That’s one reason Modine prides itself on offering real-world experience to interns. They are not isolated in a cubicle filing paperwork. They are learning skills to both further their careers and assist the company in the process, and ultimately enter the company full-time at starting salaries ranging from $45,000 to $ 65,000.

Opportunities aren’t limited to college students. The company offers apprenticeships to Racine-area high school students in addition to college co-op programs and traditional summer and winter interns.

Modine has built a solid reputation for internships and the real-world experience is in demand. There is typically a large pool of prospective interns, and a panel conducts interviews twice a year.

Students are placed according to skill set. Prospective interns are urged to visit the Modine career page and apply as soon as they can because of demand.

It’s never too early to jump in the pipeline.

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