Modine News


Modine Offers Affordable Heating Options for Facilities

When the temps are below zero, heating commercial or industrial facilities can burn up utility budgets while shortening the lifespan of HVAC equipment as it tries to keep up.

That’s why Modine has released new heating options for the Atherion Commercial Packaged Ventilation Unit, Model MPR, which are optimized for increased temperature control during northern winters while minimizing energy usage. The new options offer the same outstanding capacity for heating high volumes of outside air for ventilation but now includes new hybrid/condensing and propane fuel options.

Heating Options

The D-Cabinet Natural Gas heat options has been expanded to include condensing technology that offers more than 90% efficiency. A hybrid option, which offers a higher Btu/hr rating, combines standard 81% efficient furnaces with condensing furnaces in a stacked configuration. 

The configuration allows the units to provide continual condensing efficiency while only using the standard efficiency furnaces during peak load periods, allowing maximum fuel savings over the heating season.

While these units are efficient on their own, Modine also offers Energy Recovery Exhaust options for the Atherion line. This system uses an aluminum energy recovery wheel to capture energy from exhaust air, potentially saving thousands of dollars per year heating and cooling ventilation air. By using a 4-angstrom Zeolite desiccant, we maximize the energy transfer from exhaust to inside air while minimizing odor-causing compounds reintroduced into the indoor air. 

Fully-Featured Ventilation

The Modine Atherion also acts as a fully-featured ventilation system, capable of filtering and conditioning outside air to balance building exhaust for indoor air quality control. These units also feature full unit diagnostics, alarm logging, and real-time display of live operation information, so you never get caught by another maintenance issue again. Other energy-saving improvements include our microchannel condenser coils to reduce weight and refrigerant requirements, modulating digital scroll compressors and electronic expansion valves. 

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